在Apple AirPods的带动下,各科技媒体纷纷预测,真无线蓝牙耳机时代已来临,并会在2020达到真无线耳机的大需求,在这波趋势下,加速了蓝牙5.0进展,因应真无线蓝牙耳机的需求大幅提升,蓝牙耳机的芯片需求也是大幅成长,本文收集各几个蓝牙芯片品牌,近期推出的几个芯片规格及特色来为大家说明。

目前络达支援蓝牙5.0两款最新芯片为AB1533、AB1532,两款都有支援Bluetooth 5.0 dual mode,简单说就是真无线的单耳耳机(左或右)支援直接一起连接手机,这个功能就更Dual-mode一样,也是因为这样的功能,让真无线耳机不用只依靠单一边的耳机做主体耳机。
先前的真无线耳机都是先单靠一边作主耳机,因此主耳机耗电量量较高,但是有了dual mode后,两边都可以独立作业后,让真无线耳机的电量大幅提升,不用因为主耳机电量耗尽就没电力情况。
芯片型号 |
芯片特色 |
AB1533 |
- Bluetooth 5.0 dual mode, including low energy profiles
- A2DP profile version 1.3 compliant
- HFP profile version 1.7 compliant
- HSP profile version 1.2 compliant
- AVRCP profile version 1.6 compliant
- SPP profile version 1.2 compliant
- 24-bit 96KHz HD Audio
- Noise reduction and echo cancellation
- Multiband Programmable EQ and Dynamic Range Control
- Packet loss concealment
- Wideband speech, wideband voice prompt and customized voice prompt
- AiroThru
AB1532 |
- A2DP profile version 1.3 compliant
- HFP profile version 1.7 compliant
- HSP profile version 1.2 compliant
- AVRCP profile version 1.6 compliant
- SPP profile version 1.2 compliant
- 24-bit 96KHz HD Audio
- Noise reduction and echo cancellation
- Multiband Programmable EQ and Dynamic Range Control
- Packet loss concealment
- Wideband speech, wideband voice prompt and customized voice prompt
- AiroThru
在博通芯片群里面,支援Bluetooth 5.0 较有名的有BCM4375 及BCM43752两款,两款都有支援蓝牙5.0低功率,同时也支援Mu-Mimo 功能,这个功能可以让真无线耳机左、右耳的配对更加快速稳定。在BCM43752更是有支援FM radio接收功能,但是目前还是比较少看到蓝牙耳机有开启这个功能的。
芯片型号 |
芯片特色 |
BCM4375 |
- Support for two streams of 802.11ax
- Bluetooth 5 including Low-Energy Long Range (LELR)
- Real Simultaneous Dual-Band (RSDB)
- 1.429 Gb/s PHY rate
- 1024 QAM modulation
BCM43752 |
- Support for two streams of 802.11ax
- Bluetooth 5 including Low-Energy Long Range (LELR)
- FM radio receiver
- 1.2 Gb/s PHY rate
- 1024 QAM modulation
Realtek螃蟹系列以RTL8763B为蓝牙5.0的主要芯片群,其芯片群还有RTL8763BM、RTL8763BF/BFR, RTL8763BS, RTL8763BA等,主要功能差异有:内建记忆体、芯片尺寸、演算法、音频编码…等。这个芯片群是很完整的TWS真无线蓝牙耳机支援方案,从蓝牙5.0、双耳通话功能都可支援,内部采用32位ARM处理器,24位DSP,运行频率最高160MHz,内置8Mbits Flash内存等等。
芯片型号 |
芯片特色 |
RTL8763B芯片群 |
- Bluetooth 5 specification compatible
- Supports HFP 1.7, HSP 1.2, A2DP 1.3, AVRCP 1.6, SPP 1.2 and PBAP 1.0
- Single-end RF radio output with high performance 10dBm of transmitter power and -94dBm 2M EDR receiver sensitivity
- Supports Bluetooth classic (BDR/EDR)
- Supports Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
- Generic access service
- Device information service
- Proprietary services for data communication
- Apple Notification Center Service (ANCS)
- Real Wireless Stereo (RWS)
- Supports USB type-C audio
- Supports iAP2
- Realtek’s latest RCV (Real Clear Voice) technology for narrowband and wideband voice connection, including wind noise reduction